Saturday, April 25, 2009


Coffee and morning chats with Ra, followed by a drive to Sumner with the lovely Karen for foods and drinks and looks at pretty things.

I got a present!

A beautiful beautiful notebook of gorgeousness. Yes, the picture is backwards, I took it using PhotoBooth as I am too lazy to do it properly, hooking the camera up again is beyond my capability right now!

Then I came home and made feijoa chutney with Marce, it smelled so good and it was easy enough to make and our jars sealed just fine. Yum!

T'was then time for dinner with Ra and Megs, another Allard St feast, followed by a happy hour or so piecing bits together in my visual diary.

Must be bed time now!

Monday, April 20, 2009


packing a camera or two
packing a picnic
checking oil and water
filling up with fuel

it's photography adventure time!

i'm heading out into the wilds with my friend tania, who is doing a photography course. i bagsed the postion of chief photography buddy... which she doesn't mind, as it also means chief chauffeur! i am just looking forward to getting out of town for a few hours, even if i don't get any shots i'm stoked with.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Love and Be Loved

have i mentioned recently how much i love michael leunig's work?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

so much treasure!
today: a little cardboard suitcase filled with plastic cereal box planes.
any creative cats out there want to suggest what i could do with them?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Originally uploaded by frogstarstrikesagain
little black duck all alone