Tuesday, September 07, 2004

...but not about lassy. just to be perfectly clear about it! what follows is not about lassy... ;-)

today i'm worn out with thinking about somone.
i catch myself staring out at nothing... the inside of my eyelids lined with the picture of her. a knot in my stomach, hammering heart. all the cliches...
all for this woman who i barely know, but desperately want to know better. so many thoughts and ideas dreams and paranoias and little smiles and more and more and more thoughs racing around in my head. i'm not sleeping well enough to wake up refreshed.. a new day means a new buzzing glittering storm of words and feelings. the constancy of it is driving me crazy! i don't know how to deal with this stuff anymore. i haven't felt like this in a long time, it scares me. yes, i'm so fucking frightened.

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