Wednesday, August 01, 2007


the pressure to blog is overwhelming.
gee, thanks vetti.

today has been lovely.
frances, a friend from nz, is staying.
we coffeed at la paloma, i dragged her to the post office so i could sent sweet things to the vicstar, and then we made our way into town. after a mission to give money to my sister (will i always act as family banker, i wonder?) we headed down to acmi to check out the pixar exhibition. which was great, except for the bit when the lights failed. oopsie. after much dashing and clompy-shoes the lights came back and we could finish our viewing experience!
then down to st. kilda for coffee and chocolatey goodness with one miss james, and finally back home for a dvd after a veg out curry.
now it is way past my bedtime and this is a shit blog post, so argh... i give up and press send.
might have a brain tomorrow, if so i shall edit.

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