Wednesday, March 10, 2004


yes, cat punching. a very odd topic to be writing about, i'm well aware. today i accidentally punched my dear cat in the head. oops! here's the story:
he was spending the night in my room as he had to go to the vet today (not much of a boy any longer...). this was a first off, usually he stays outside. anyways, at about 5.30 am he woke my up meowing at the door. i was rather dazed and confused, after a night of very disrupted sleep (too hot, damn this late summer burst of heat!). i could vaguelly make out his grey form wandering towards me as i called him over to the bed. i reached out my hand to scratch his head... at precisely the same moment that he made to leap up beside me. my fist hit him square between the eyes in mid-flight, and he dropped to the ground where he sat for the next couple of minutes shaking his head and looking bewildered. it must've really hurt the poor darling, as my knuckles were sore for at least 5 minutes! obviously i felt really bad, though the absurdity of the situation didn't pass me unnoticed. i had a bit of a giggle (alright, i near pissed myself) after i'd made sure he was okay.
what a start to the day though...

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